Friday, 28 September 2007


My first impressions after looking at the brief are that, it will be awesome to see the final outcome but getting there will be insanely hard work.
I like the fact that we are animating a battle, mainly due to still being immature boy who still likes fire and explosions also the idea that we will be working as a team all putting our ideas together to come up with an awesome idea, that is possible, witch I am sure will happen!
Will be really interested in using bones and skinning as I had a little go last semester just messing about animating a snake and the effect is amazing.

blog you later ship mates.


Jo Bowman said...

Kieron - it is now week 6 - you really need to post some comments on your blog!

Tiggeruk85 said...

Hey Kieron, It'd be really nice to see some blogging from you this week, putting up any ideas you've had, any problems or questions you have for the project. Hope to see some blogging soon.